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iamthemorning / Discography (Web)
Жанр: Prog Rock, Neoclassical, Chamber Pop, Post Rock, Piano Страна-производитель диска: Sankt Peterburg, Russian Federation Год издания диска: 2012-2019 Тип издания: WEB Издатель (лейбл): Kscope Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac) Тип рипа: tracks Продолжительность: 8:35:38 Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: digital Источник (релизер): iamthemorning — музыкальная группа из Санкт-Петербурга, Россия, исполняющая камерный прогрессив-рок. Проект был основан в 2010 году вокалисткой Марьяной Сёмкиной и пианистом Глебом Колядиным, которые остаются единственными официальными участниками группы. История
Название iamthemorning было взято по названию первой композиции дебютного альбома Effloresce британской прогрессив-рок группы Oceansize — «I Am the Morning». Oceansize, наряду с Porcupine Tree и Anathema, Марьяна Сёмкина назывет в числе основных групп, повлиявших на её творчество. Первоначально группа имела форму камерного квинтета с тремя музыкантами, играющими на струнных инструментах. Первый концерт состоялся в Санкт-Петербурге осенью 2010 года совместно с исландской группой Árstíðir, сотрудничество с которой продолжилось и спустя год рядом выступлений в Москве, Петербурге и Петрозаводске. Первыми записанными группой в камерный период песнями были демо inside, would this be, burn, scotland и ранняя версия touching. В 2011 году на песню touching был снят видеоклип. Вскоре iamthemorning сменили стилистику, обогатив звучание роковой ритм-секцией и электрогитарами. Уже в обновлённом формате был записан дебютный альбом ~, презентация которого состоялась 26-го и 27-го апреля 2012 года в Санкт-Петербурге в Доме Композиторов. Альбом ~ был выложен для скачивания на официальном сайте iamthemorning. После выхода дебютной пластинки Марьяна и Глеб вновь решили поменять концепцию группы. Сменился состав сессионных музыкантов, был взят курс на более тяжёлое звучание. В январе 2013 года стало известно, что к записи готовится второй альбом. 18 мая 2013 года на сайте kickstarter.com начался сбор средств для записи второго альбома: запись планируется провести в Лондоне, и необходимо собрать не менее 6 тысяч фунтов стерлингов на аренду студии. Инициатива была встречена очень тепло, и за первый день были собраны 2 400 фунтов. Стало также известно, что в записи примет участие звукорежиссёр Марсель ван Лимбек, известный своей работой над записью, сведением и мастерингом альбомов американской певицы Тори Амос. Сбор средств закончился 17 июня, и было собрано 6 500 фунтов стерлингов. Ударником на втором альбоме выступил Гэвин Харриссон, наиболее известный как барабанщик прогрессив-рок группы Porcupine Tree. Первоначально он записал и отослал группе запись партии только для одного трека, You Cry (впоследствии переименованного в The Simple Story), но в итоге он исполнил все партии ударных на альбоме. 31 октября 2013 года группа выступила на разогреве у польской прогрессив-рок-группы Riverside в Санкт-Петербурге. В новогодний вечер 2014 года, сразу после полуночи, на Bandcamp был издан EP группы — Miscellany, в который вошли нескольких новых песен, концертные записи и ремикс песни touching с дебютного альбома. Пожертвовавшие деньги на записи второго альбома получили этот EP уже 25 декабря 2013. Второй альбом, названный belighted, издан 15 сентября 2014 года на лейбле kscope, специализирующемся на пост-прогрессивной музыке, и на котором издаются такие культовые музыканты, как Стивен Уилсон, Anathema, Ulver и Иэн Андерсон. 31 октября в Москве в Центральном Доме Художника прошла презентация второго альбома группы. 25 апреля 2015 iamthemorning исполнили свой первый официальный концерт в Великобритании на фестивале DesertFest. Журнал Prog назвал выступление группы на фестивале «главной авантюрой дня» (the biggest gamble of the day), положительно отозвавшись о музыке и исполнении. В 2015 году журнал Prog номинировал iamthemorning в ежегодном народном голосовании в категории «Vanguard». К созданию третьего полноформатного студийного альбома lighthouse группа приступила летом 2015 года. На нём было решено отойти от рок-звучания и использовать партии 11 струнных музыкантов и целого камерного оркестра. Гэвин Харрисон вернулся за барабанную установку, к нему присоединился также его коллега по Porcupine Tree — басист Колин Эдвин. В качестве гостя в записи пластинки принял участие вокалист польской прогрессив-рок группы Riverside Мариуш Дуда. 23 октября 2015 года вышел в свет концертный альбом с записью выступления в Доме искусств Санкт-Петербурга в октябре 2014 года. На следующий день, 24 октября, стартовал совместный европейский тур iamthemorning с норвежской прогрессив-рок-группой Gazpacho. 8 января 2016 работа над третьим альбомом была завершена. 26 февраля была представлена новая песня Chalk & Coal, выполненная в стиле атмосферного джаз-фьюжна и записанная под влиянием позднего творчества Дэвида Боуи. Третья пластинка группы вышла в свет 1 апреля 2016. Lighthouse — концептуальный альбом, повествующий трагическую историю о женщине, страдающей прогрессирующим психическим заболеванием. Концепт был вдохновлён историями жизни Вирджинии Вулф и Сильвии Плат. Эта пластинка стала первым альбомом группы, изданным на виниле. Lighthouse получил награду «Альбом года» на Progressive Music Awards. Музыка iamthemorning исполняют меланхоличную камерную музыку. Часто в качестве жанра группы назывались фолк, «психофолк», прогрессив-рок. В интервью журналу Prog Марьяна заявила, что не любит жанровые ярлыки, но ей нравится термин «барокко-рок». Кроме того, она прокомментировала лирическую составляющую музыки: «В России мы шутим, что все наши песни — о боли и смерти. Я обычно произношу это с улыбкой на лице, в белом платье на концерте, и люди громко смеются. Но это, в общем-то, достаточно правдиво» (англ. We have a joke in Russia that our songs are about pain and death. I usually say this with a smile on my face, in a white dress at a concert, and people laugh so hard. But it’s actually quite true). The Independent назвал вокал Марьяны Сёмкиной «призрачным», а музыку — «трансцендентной». В интервью Gaude.ru Марьяна также отметила, что ненавидит песни про любовь. «Все про нее пишут. И часто — очень пошло», посетовала она. Однако, по её словам, «в лирике iamthemorning не только печаль, одиночество и боль, в ней есть также красота, счастье и надежда» (англ. there isn't just sadness, loneliness and pain in iamthemorning's lyrical field; there is beauty, happiness and hope as well). На концертах музыканты iamthemorning важным фактором считают взаимодействие с залом и преодоление внутренней интроверсии. «На одном из концертов мы расставили повсюду бумажных журавлей, поставили красивые лампочки и включили звук моря — „обратная связь“ после выступления была потрясающей». Реакция Несмотря на сравнительно небольшую известность у массового слушателя, iamthemorning быстро стали культовой группой среди музыкантов прогрессив-рока. Со-основатель Anathema Дэнни Кавана сказал: «От iamthemorning исходит определённая магия. Марьяна — красивая, талантливая и харизматичная вокалистка, а Глеб — величайший пианист, которого я встречал в своей жизни» (англ. Iamthemorning emanate a certain magic. In Marjana they possess a beautiful, talented and charismatic vocalist, and in Gleb they possess the single greatest pianist I've ever met in my life). Среди известных поклонников группы — барабанщик King Crimson и Porcupine Tree Гэвин Харрисон и Джордан Рудесс, клавишник прогрессив-метал-группы Dream Theater. Британская газета The Independent отметила: «если бы Григ и Рахманинов решили объединиться в зловещую пост-роковую группу, результат был бы похож на iamthemorning» (англ. if Grieg and Rachmaninov decided to coalesce and form a sinister post-rock project, the results would be not too dissimilar to Iamthemorning). Prog Magazine отметил, что Марьяна Сёмкина достойна потягаться с Аннеке ван Гирсберген, экс-вокалисткой The Gathering, и другими певицами прогрессив-рока. Альбом Belighted был описан как сочетание постмодернистской сложности Porcupine Tree, симфонических элементов прога семидесятых и атмосферной свежести Anathema. Belighted также был назвал «чарующим шедевром барокко-н-ролла» (англ. a bewitching, baroque’n’roll masterpiece). Ранее журнал Prog сравнивал творчество iamthemorning с музыкой Тори Амос. В журнале Prog Марьяна Сёмкина попала на второе место в номинации лучших певиц по итогам ежегодного народного голосования за 2015 год, а Глеб Колядин занял седьмую позицию в народном рейтинге клавишников. iamthemorning попали на 10 место в номинации «группа года». На интернет-ресурсе ProgArchives.com дебютный альбом неоднократно попадал в Топ-100 прогрессивных альбомов всех времён и народов. The Spot.ru отметил уникальность звучания группы, отметив, что их невозможно с кем-либо спутать «iamthemorning, причудливо синтезирующие фолк, классику, рок и музыку широкого потребления, — одна из самых перспективных команд на петербургской клубной сцене», отозвался о группе сайт Фонтанка. Ру. На сайте «Русского репортёра» было отмечено, что музыка группы больше напоминает группы Исландии и должна понравиться тем, «кто любит, сидя в России, представлять себя где-то далеко». По словам Марьяны Сёмкиной, российская критика порой подбирает некорректные примеры для сравнения с ней. В частности, речь шла о сравнении с Мадонной и Леди Гагой. По её мнению, это связано с тем, что «все большие издания нацелены на большую публику. И им нужно имя, за которое читатель зацепится». Tracklist:
01. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission I] (2:50) 02. iamthemorning - inside (4:16) 03. iamthemorning - burn (4:40) 04. iamthemorning - circles (3:16) 05. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission II] (0:53) 06. iamthemorning - weather changing (3:03) 07. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission III] (0:53) 08. iamthemorning - scotland (3:56) 09. iamthemorning - touching II (4:03) 10. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission IV] (0:46) 11. iamthemorning - monsters (4:02) 12. iamthemorning - serenade (2:30) 13. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission V] (1:01) 14. iamthemorning - would this be (4:17) 15. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission VI] (1:50) 16. iamthemorning - i.b.too (4:30) 17. iamthemorning - ~ [intermission VII] (1:07) 18. iamthemorning - afis (2:58) This album is self-released and it is in our power to give it away for free. We believe that music has to be available for everyone. However, all your donations are appreciated more than you can imagine, and they all will be used for music purposes only. Thank you for supporting us <3 released April 27, 2012 Gleb Kolyadin - grand piano, keyboards Marjana Semkina - vocals, backing vocals Ilya Dyakov - violin Phil Buin - viola Alina Shilova - cello Maks Rudenko - Bass Eugene Abzalov - guitars Mikhail Istratov - Drums Lyrics by Marjana Semkina. Grand piano recorded in St. Petersburg Musical lyceum (strictly overnight sessions cause it was cheaper) by Nickita Valamin. Strings, guitars, drums are recorded in Intersound Studios by Nickita Valamin. Mixed and mastered by Nickita Valamin. Written and produced by Gleb and Marjana. foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. iamthemorning - to human misery (chamber version) (4:17) 02. iamthemorning - the simple story (3:35) 03. iamthemorning - intermission XII (2:36) 04. iamthemorning - scotland (unplugged) (3:45) 05. iamthemorning - the simple story (unplugged) (3:45) 06. iamthemorning - touching (london mixing) (4:08) 07. iamthemorning - intermission VIII (1:05) This is just a small treat while we all are waiting for our second LP. This will take a while for us to finish and release it (especially if we sign for a label) but we won't wait in silence. (If you can't afford purchasing this one but would love to have it, just message us. <3) released January 1, 2014 Iamthemorning are Gleb Kolyadin – grand piano, keyboards Marjana Semkina – vocals, backing vocals Drums on “The Simple Story” performed and recorded by Gavin Harrison Guitars and sampled percussion on “The Simple Story” performed and recorded by Vlad Avy Bass on “The Simple Story” performed and recorded Max Roudenko Piano and vocals recorded at Assault & Battery 2, London by Marcel van Limbeek and Gianluca Capacchione. Assisted by Drew Smith, Anna Pavluk and Mark Knight. Additional vocals recorded at Alchemea College of Audio Engineering Strings: "To Human Misery" and "The Simple Story": Turner Quartet: first violin: Robert Yeomans second violin: Ruth Funnell viola: Holly Rouse cello: Rosie Banks-Francis Strings arrangement for TSS by Gleb Kolyadin Strings arrangement for THM by Grigory Losenkov Recorded at Alchemea College of Audio Engineering, London by Marcel van Limbeek and Gianluca Capacchione. Assisted by Mark Knight and KJ Thorarinsson. Touching II: Violin: Ilya Dyakov Viola: Philipp Buin Cello: Alina Shilova Recorded in 2011 for “~” at Interzvuk studio, St. Petersburg by Nikita Valamin Intermission VIII: Cello by Vsevolod Dolganov Recorded at House of Composers studio in St. Petersburg by Max Roudenko All songs mixed at Reveal Sound by Marcel van Limbeek and Gianluca Capacchione. Assisted by Mark Knight. Mastered at Reveal Sound by Marcel van Limbeek. Artwork and cover design by Constantine Nagishkin Special thanks to Anna Pavluk, Neil Pickles, Justin Fraser and everyone at Alchemea College of Audio Engineering (and to Mike for opening the studio doors for us all the time when we showed up at 4 a.m.). Marjana and Gleb express gratitude to everyone who’s been supporting iamthemorning all along and helped us with crowdfunding campaign held in spring/summer’13. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible. We also send our love to Marcel, Luca and Mark who became our wonderful friends while working on our music. <3 Songs are written and produced by iamthemorning. ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. iamthemorning - Intermission IX (1:21) 02. iamthemorning - The Howler (3:57) 03. iamthemorning - To Human Misery (4:19) 04. iamthemorning - Intermission X (0:53) 05. iamthemorning - Romance (3:02) 06. iamthemorning - The Simple Story (3:30) 07. iamthemorning - Intermission XI (1:22) 08. iamthemorning - 5/4 (3:50) 09. iamthemorning - Crowded Corridors (8:44) 10. iamthemorning - Gerda (4:52) 11. iamthemorning - Os Lunatum (4:32) 12. iamthemorning - Intermission XII (2:36) 13. iamthemorning - K. O. S. (6:06) 14. iamthemorning - Reprise Of Light/No Light (5:17) 15. iamthemorning - Intermission XIII (0:59) This album was funded by 227 Kickstarter backers and 113 fellows that didn't have access to Kickstarter, worldwide. The work on the album (including the fundraising campaign) started in March'13 and ended in April'14 and finally, here it is, the album. Everything became possible thanks to all the people participaiting in the campaign, Marcel van Limbeek who invited us to London to work with him and organized the campaign, his amazing team of Luca, Mark and Anna and with incredible support of Danny Cavanagh and Gavin Harrison. Love to all <3 released September 15, 2014 Gleb Kolyadin - grand piano, keyboards Marjana Semkina - vocals, backing vocals Piano and vocals recorded by Marcel van Limbeek and Gianluca Capacchione at Assault & Battery 2 studio, London. Assisted by Drew Smith, Anna Pavluk and Mark Knight. Drums performed and recorded by Gavin Harrison. Bass performed and recorded by Max Roudenko Guitar performed and recorded by Vlad Avy Additional guitar on "The Howler" and "K.O.S." performed by Mark Knight, recorded at Alchemea College of Audio Engineering Harp performed by Andres Izmaylov, recorded by Max Roudenko at House of Composers, St. Petersburg Strings performed by Nevsky String Quartet: First Violin: Anna Tchijik Second Violin: Kristina Popova Viola: Vladimir Bistritsky Cello: Vsevolod Dolganov Recorded by Max Roudenko at House of Composers, St. Petersburg String arrangements by Gleb Kolyadin apart from "To Human Misery" and "5/4" by Grigory Losenkov Strings on "To Human Misery", "The Simple Story", and "Gerda": Turner Quartet: First Violin: Robert Yeomans Second Violin: Ruth Funell Viola: Holly Rouse Cello: Rosie Banks-Francis Recorded by Marcel van Limbeek and Gianluca Capacchione at Alchemea College of Audio Engineering, London. Assisted by Mark Knight and KJ Thorarinsson. Additional vocals recorded at Alchemea College of Sound Engineering, London, and Galernaya 20, St. Petersburg by Nikita Valamin ("Crowded Corridors part I" and "K.O.S.") Clapping in 5/4 by Jubril Oniyangi, Rishi Bradoo, Tom Leader, Ishani Chakravarty, Julian Blanco, Bjarni Freyr, Gulliver, Adam Park, Mark Knight, Gleb, Marjana and Rhys. Mixed by Marcel van Limbeek and Gianluca Capacchione at Reveal Sound. Assisted by Mark Knight. Mastered by Marcel van Limbeek and Justin Fraser at Area 51 studio. Special Thanks to: Danny Cavanagh, Rob Palmen, Anna Pavluk, Mark Knight, Neil Pickles, Justin Fraser, Mat McKinley, Gary Bromham, Gary Ash and everybody at Alchemea College of Sound Engineering, Miloko, FX Rentals and Sable Marketing, The Mucky Pup, Islington. We are incredibly grateful to everyone for great support during the crowd-funding campaign in spring'13. Without you, everything would be different. Special thanks to Erik Van Oosten. Personal thanks from Marjana and Gleb go to one another for everything, to Mark Knight for being our team psychologist during the whole process and bringing doughnuts, to Marcel and Luca for their professionalism and friendship, to all amazing musicians who create music that helps us to get by and to our friends and families that are so patient and supportive. Artwork by Constantine Nagishkin, tirofog.blogspot.com Booklet design & layout by Scott at Kscope Management/booking by Rob Palmen at Glassville Music. Write to: info@glassvillemusic.com To contact the band write to: hello@iamthemorning.com All songs are written and produced by iamthemorning. ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. iamthemorning - The Howler (live in Moscow) (5:21) 02. iamthemorning - Circles (live in Moscow) (3:28) 03. iamthemorning - Romance (live in Moscow) (3:53) 04. iamthemorning - The Simple Story (live in Moscow) (4:02) 05. iamthemorning - Scotland (live in Moscow) (4:13) 06. iamthemorning - 5/4 (live in Moscow) (3:52) 07. iamthemorning - Gerda (live in Moscow) (4:54) 08. iamthemorning - K.O.S. (live in Moscow) (6:09) 09. iamthemorning - Reprise of Light/No Light (live in Moscow) (6:14) This album was kindly funded via Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com/projects/630534739/iamthemorning-from-the-house-of-arts-live-album released October 23, 2015 Gleb Kolyadin - grand piano, keyboards Marjana Semkina - vocals, backing vocals with Vlad Avy - guitar Anton Glushkin - acoustic guitar Max Roudenko - bass Mikhail Istratov - drums Philipp Saulin - violin Mikhail Ignatov - cello Recorded at the House of Arts "Belighted" release concert on 31st October by Marcel van Limbeek, assisted by Anna Pavluk. Recording supported by livenrecord.ru (Dmitriy Kovyzhenko, Roman Tretyakov). All songs mixed by Vlad Avy. Songs are written and produced by iamthemorning. Artwork by Constantine Nagishkin Marjana and Gleb express gratitude to all people who took part in the recording of this release (including the audience!) and everyone helping us with different matters through the years. Special thanks to the Universe for being so kind to us & Kscope for letting us release this album on our own. ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. iamthemorning - I Came Before the Water (Pt. I) (1:41) 02. iamthemorning - Too Many Years (5:10) 03. iamthemorning - Clear Clearer (4:35) 04. iamthemorning - Sleeping Pills (3:44) 05. iamthemorning - Libretto Horror (2:14) 06. iamthemorning feat. Mariusz Duda - Lighthouse (6:14) 07. iamthemorning - Harmony (5:19) 08. iamthemorning - Matches (4:18) 09. iamthemorning - Belighted (3:27) 10. iamthemorning - Chalk and Coal (4:57) 11. iamthemorning - I Came Before the Water (Pt. II) (2:57) 12. iamthemorning - Post Scriptum (2:44) This album is dedicated to the subject of mental illness and we'd like to pass on the message to all the lost souls out there: you are not alone, ever. ❤ released April 1, 2016 Gleb Kolyadin - grand piano, keyboards Marjana Semkina - vocals, backing vocals Vocals recorded by Gianluca Capacchione at Murder Mile Music Studios, London, England Grand piano recorded by Nickita Valamin, assisted by Sergey Kruglov at Mosfilm Studios, Moscow, Russia Guest vocals on Lighthouse by Mariusz Duda (Riverside, Lunatic Soul) Recorded at Serakos Studio, Warszawa, Poland With: Gavin Harrison - drums Colin Edwin - bass Vlad Avy - guitars Evan Carson - bodhran and percussion Andres Izmailov - Harp Drums recorded by Gavin Harrison Bass recorded by Colin Edwin Guitars recorded by Vlad Avy Bodhran and percussion recorded by Gianluca Capacchione at Murder Mile Music Studios Harp recorded by Nickita Valamin at Galernaya 20 studios, St. Petersburg, Russia Tatiana Rezetdinova - flute Roman Erofeev - clarinet Sergey Korolkov - trumpet Oksana Stepanova - bombard Trumpet, clarinet and flute recorded by Nickita Valamin at Galernaya 20 studios Bombard recorded by Eugeny Vikki Philipp Saulin - Violin Mikhail Ignatov - Cello Strings Ensemble: Violins: Anastasia Razumets Aleksandra Svidunovich Zhuldyz Bukina Tatiana Kuvaitseva Philipp Saulin Violas: Aleksander Bogdanovich Ksenia Ivanova Cellos: Mikhail Ignatov Evgenia Ignatova Double bass: Alexander Kuznetcov All strings recorded by Sergey Ryltsev and Nikolay Britvin at Red Wave Studios, St. Petersburg, Russia "Perezvony" Choir (featured on Sleeping pills): Stanislava Sorokina, Svetlana Utkina, Yury Volkov, Maria Cherepanova, Elizaveta Levina, Anastasia Andriyanenko, Daria Severinova, Alina Vahrina, Anastasia Kavalerova, Nikol Zgeib, Anna Sokolova, Anastasia Malova, Sofia Liberman, Margarita Raspopova, Martin Sadomirsky, Svetlana Philippova, Serafima Chervotkina Conductor and art-director: Larisa Yarutskaya Choir recorded by Sergei Ryltsev at Red Wave Studios Iamthemorning Mix Team: Marcel van Limbeek Gianluca Capacchione Vlad Avy Neil Pickles Marjana&Glebski Mixed at Murder Mile Music Studios Mastered by Marcel van Limbeek and Neil Pickles at Reveal Sound Studios Artwork by Constantine Nagishkin Design by Mikhail Meerov All songs are written and produced by iamthemorning Marjana talks: Special gratitude goes to my grandparents Mikhail and Galina Shalman. Gleb talks: I'd like to thank my teacher Vladimir Viktorovich Polyakov. Special thanks from the band go to Mariusz Duda, Gavin Harrison and Colin Edwin for contributing to the cause and making this project even more special for us. We would also like to thank these amazing people: Rob Palmen, Scott Robinson, Vlad Avy, Igor Romanov, Han Franssen, Rob, Elise and Declan Brock. All our listeners for supporting and inspiring us, You. ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. Iamthemorning - Inside (3:30) 02. Iamthemorning - Scotland (3:38) 03. Iamthemorning - To Human Misery (4:06) 04. Iamthemorning - Romance (2:57) 05. Iamthemorning - 5/4 (3:12) 06. Iamthemorning - Touching II (3:54) 07. Iamthemorning - Os Lunatum (3:49) 08. Iamthemorning - Matches (3:53) 09. Iamthemorning - Sleeping Pills (3:17) 10. Iamthemorning - Libretto Horror (2:04) 11. Iamthemorning - Chalk & Coal (4:06) 12. Iamthemorning - K. O. S. (5:51) Shot at and named after a remote recording studio on a Norwegian island, the footage offers a behind-the-scenes insight into the recording techniques of two of modern progressive music's most talented composers. The content captures iamthemorning's live set-up from the last three years, with the setlist consisting of songs from their first three studio albums and an unplugged recording of Blue Sea (the first track to be written for the duo's upcoming fourth album and exclusive to the blu-ray). The studio was designed with panoramic windows that allow the stunning back-drop of Giske Island and the Norwegian Sea to be integrated into the performances (a location that is featured in glorious high-definition on this blu-ray). Marjana commented, "It was the most inspiring place for us to work in, surrounded by the sea, mountains, wild flowers and gorgeous Norwegian sunsets. All of the natural splendour we don't see that often." The audio recording, mixing and mastering were handled by regular collaborator Vlad Avy. The film was produced and edited by Miles Skarin at Crystal Spotlight, and the watercolour artwork was designed by Constantine Nagishkin. released October 19, 2018 Iamthemorning is: Gleb Kolyadin - piano & keyboards Marjana Semkina - vocals With: Karl James Pestka - violin Guillaume Lagravière - cello Joshua Ryan Franklin - bass Evan Carson - drums & percussion Vlad Avy - recording, mixing & mastering Recorded in July 2017 on Ocean Sound Recordings studio in Norway All songs written and produced by Iamthemorning, published by District 6 Music Publishing Ltd Cover art by Constantine Nagishkin Photography by Miles Skarin Design & layout by Xenoyr Management/booking by Rob Palmen at Glassville Music. Write to: info@glassvillemusic.com Special thanks to Terje Erstad, Henning Svoren and all the staff of Ocean Sound Recordings, Artem Kochurov, Niels Van Dam, Rob Palmen at Glassville Music, Scott Robinson, Tony Harris, Johnny Wilks and everyone at Kscope Thank you to all our listeners for being with us. foobar2000 1.2.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. Iamthemorning - Freak Show (7:09) 02. Iamthemorning - Sleeping Beauty (3:42) 03. Iamthemorning - Blue Sea (3:08) 04. Iamthemorning - Black and Blue (3:58) 05. Iamthemorning - Six Feet (3:56) 06. Iamthemorning - Ghost of a Story (3:58) 07. Iamthemorning - Song of Psyche (3:20) 08. Iamthemorning - Lilies (4:28) 09. Iamthemorning - Salute (7:27) 10. Iamthemorning - The Bell (5:04) The Bell was inspired by 19th century song cycles, a genre established by Schubert, and themes from Victorian England art and culture. It is divided into two parts, but each song is a story in its own right, all of them are fuelled by human cruelty and pain caused by it. Cruelty and different ways that we cope with it and suffer from it is the central theme of the album. This album is multi-layered and is, in many ways, a journey inwards, taking us inside of a mind of a person suffering from abuse or neglect or open hostility of the society or a specific person. And even though aesthetically the album is based on themes taken from Victorian England’s art and culture, it is mainly a way to look at ourselves and modern society and realise that at its core, humankind isn’t making much progress in terms of emotional maturity. released August 2, 2019 iamthemorning The Bell Marjana Semkina – vocals, backing vocals, acoustic guitar (3) Gleb Kolyadin – grand piano, keyboards With: Vlad Avy – acoustic guitar, electric guitar Zoltan Renaldi – bass, double bass (1, 2, 6, 9) Svetlana Shumkova – drums (1, 5, 9) Evan Carson – drums, percussion (2, 5, 9) Andres Izmaylov – harp (1, 6, 9) Grigory Osipov – marimba (2, 9) Dmitry Tsepilov – saxophone (1, 2) Ilya Leontyev – trumpet (9) Mr Konin - bells, accordeon, clapping Strings Ensemble: St.Petersburg Orchestra "1703" (Санкт-Петербургский Оркестр 1703): 1st Violins: IIia Dyakov Ekaterina German Ekaterina Chernyaeva Anastasia Litvinova 2nd Violins: Anita Azhashkouskaya Dmitry Kolyasnikov Anna Melnikova Yulia Kashshapova Violas: Nadezhda Savina Dmitry Gonchar Semyon Samsonov Cellos: Darya Popova Ilya Izmaylov Vocals recorded by Gianluca Capacchione at Noatune Studios, London Grand piano recorded by Sergey Kruglov at MosFilm Studios, Moscow Guitars recorded by Vlad Avy Bass and Double Bass recorded by Zoltan Renaldi Drums (1, 5, 9) recorded by Vlad Avy and Darren McGill at Union Sound Company, Toronto Drums and Percussion (2, 6, 9) recorded by Pete Ord at The Studio at Sunbeams, Penrith Strings recorded by Fedor Naumov at LenDoc Studios, St.Petersburg Harp recorded by Andres Izmaylov Marimba, saxophone and trumpet recorded by Sergey Ryltsev at RedWave Studios, St.Petersburg Mixing and mastering by Vlad Avy Artwork by Constantine Nagishkin Design and layout by Xenoyr All tracks composed by iamthemorning Produced by Vlad Avy, Gleb Kolyadin & Marjana Semkina Special thanks to Johnny Wilks, Tony Harris, Scott “Ckott” Robinson and everyone at Kscope; Rob Palmen and Glassville Music. Marjana thanks Marc C. for his support; Brock family and every single person supporting me on Patreon. Gleb thanks his teacher Vladimir Viktorovich Polyakov, Universe and the powers of divine deadline. ----------------------- foobar2000 1.2.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 poloniumcubes Сольные работы пианиста Глеба Колядина. Tracklist:
01. poloniumcubes - 20120206 (2:41) 02. poloniumcubes - 20140408 (1:46) 03. poloniumcubes - 20120729 (2:53) 04. poloniumcubes - 20120731 (3:39) 05. poloniumcubes - 20140526 (4:00) 06. poloniumcubes - 20140529 (4:53) 07. poloniumcubes - 20131208 (7:45) some musical drafts 2012-2014's released August 26, 2014 all tracks composed and performed by Gleb Kolyadin cover artwork by Constantine Nagishkin ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. poloniumcubes - 20150428 (7:22) 02. poloniumcubes - 20150429 (3:46) 03. poloniumcubes - 20150430 (3:02) 04. poloniumcubes - 20150501 (2:58) 05. poloniumcubes - 20150502 (3:16) 06. poloniumcubes - 20150503 (2:11) 07. poloniumcubes - 20150504 (2:34) quiet piano improvisations night music april-may 2015 released May 5, 2015 all tracks composed and performed by Gleb Kolyadin ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. poloniumcubes - 20130106 (8:33) 02. poloniumcubes - 20130413 (6:25) 03. poloniumcubes - 20150218 (10:10) musical drafts from years 2013 to 2015 released July 11, 2015 all tracks composed and performed by Gleb Kolyadin ----------------------- foobar2000 1.3.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. poloniumcubes - Destructio I (1:46) 02. poloniumcubes - Destructio II (1:37) 03. poloniumcubes - Destructio III (2:07) 04. poloniumcubes - Destructio IV (2:24) 05. poloniumcubes - Destructio V (1:54) 06. poloniumcubes - Destructio VI (1:29) 07. poloniumcubes - Do not draw the mountains on a clear day (2:28) 08. poloniumcubes - Three Vertical Objects (2:03) These tracks were composed and selected for the exhibition of abstract art by Russian artist Arseny Blinov. This exhibition was held in March 2018 on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, where every visitor could see the works while listening to the music tracks at the same time. released March 15, 2018 All tracks composed and performed by Gleb Kolyadin. foobar2000 1.2.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. poloniumcubes - 20151202 (1:13) 02. poloniumcubes - 20161213 (3:57) 03. poloniumcubes - 20180626 (6:29) 04. poloniumcubes - 20180628 (3:20) 05. poloniumcubes - 20180630 (5:00) 06. poloniumcubes - 20180112 (5:24) musical drafts from years 2015 to 2018 released July 14, 2018 all tracks composed and performed by Gleb Kolyadin foobar2000 1.2.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. poloniumcubes - the seven (2:31) 02. poloniumcubes - at one o’clock, your excellency (2:41) 03. poloniumcubes - condemned to be hanged (1:44) 04. poloniumcubes - the end of winter (3:14) 05. poloniumcubes - it will soon be over (2:27) 06. poloniumcubes - hangman (1:40) 07. poloniumcubes - and they went away (3:03) 08. poloniumcubes - the old woman (2:29) 09. poloniumcubes - tomorrow (3:30) 10. poloniumcubes - there is no death (2:00) 11. poloniumcubes - the spring wind (2:33) 12. poloniumcubes - I am alone (1:41) 13. poloniumcubes - the rising sun (2:43) These tracks were composed and selected for the theatre production "The Seven Who Were Hanged" based on the eponymous novella by Leonid Andreyev. Directed by Andrzej Bubień. released July 11, 2019 All tracks composed and performed by Gleb Kolyadin. foobar2000 1.2.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Tracklist:
01. Gleb Kolyadin - Insight (4:12) 02. Gleb Kolyadin feat. Mick Moss - Astral Architecture (6:30) 03. Gleb Kolyadin - White Dawn (2:31) 04. Gleb Kolyadin - Kaleidoscope (5:50) 05. Gleb Kolyadin - Eidolon (2:10) 06. Gleb Kolyadin - Into the Void (1:45) 07. Gleb Kolyadin - The Room (4:13) 08. Gleb Kolyadin feat. Steve Hogarth - Confluence (10:24) 09. Gleb Kolyadin - Constellation / The Bell (3:16) 10. Gleb Kolyadin - Echo / Sigh / Strand (2:26) 11. Gleb Kolyadin - Penrose Stairs (5:01) 12. Gleb Kolyadin feat. Jordan Rudess - Storyteller (3:19) 13. Gleb Kolyadin feat. Steve Hogarth - The Best of Days (3:24) released February 23, 2018 Gleb Kolyadin – grand piano, keyboards Gavin Harrison – drums Nick Beggs – bass Theo Travis – flute, saxophones Vlad Avy – guitars Evan Carson – bodhran and percussion with Steve Hogarth, Mick Moss and Jordan Rudess also: Grigorii Osipov – vibraphone, marimba, glockenspiel Iliia Diakov – violin Alexander Peresypkin – cello Grigory Voskoboynik – double bass Tatiana Dubovaya – vocals Svetlana Shumkova – hang drum, spoken vocals Grand piano recorded by Sergey Kruglov and Nickita Valamin at Mosfilm Studios, Moscow, Russia Drums recorded by Gavin Harrison Bass recorded by Nick Beggs Flute and saxophones recorded by Theo Travis Guitars recorded by Vlad Avy Bodhran and percussion recorded by Pete Ord at Half Ton Studios Cambridgeshire using Hedwitschak Bodhrans and Blackwell Original Drums. Vocals on «Astral Architecture» performed and engineered by Mick Moss at Wyresdale Studios, Liverpool Vocals on «Confluence» and «The Best of Days» by Steve Hogarth recorded by Gianluca Capacchione at Noatune Studios Double Bass recorded by Grigory Voskoboynik Strings recorded by Nickita Valamin at Galernaya 20 studios, St.Petersburg, Russia Mallets recorded by Vlad Avy, Max Roudenko and Alex Lushnikov at LenDoc studios, St.Petersburg, Russia Addition vocals recorded by Evgeny Marinchenko at Galernaya 20 studios, St.Petersburg, Russia all tracks composed by Gleb Kolyadin «Astral Architecture» – lyrics and co-authorship – Mick Moss «Confluence» – lyrics by Steve Hogarth «The Best of Days» – lyrics and co-authorship – Steve Hogarth excerpt from «Dreamland» by Lewis Carroll performed by Ole Irenæus Wierød mixing and mastering by Vlad Avy produced by Gleb Kolyadin and Vlad Avy I am very grateful to everyone who helped to create this record by participating in the crowd-funding campaign in winter’17. Special thanks to Judy Humphries, Han Franssen and Michael Grantham. Photos by Alexander Kuznetcov, Mikhail Meerov Design by Kira, Maria Yureva Personal thanks to these amazing people for the great support and inspiration: Marjana Semkina, Vlad Avy, Rob Palmen, Marcel van Limbeek, Gianluca Capacchione, Katerina Markina, Grigoriy Belov, Gavrina Julia, my teacher Vladimir Viktorovich Polyakov and Visha Echo. ----------------------- foobar2000 1.2.5 / Замер динамического диапазона (DR) 1.1.1 Для того, чтобы скачать .torrent Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться |
27.03.2018 Обновление!
Добавлен poloniumcubes 2018 music for Arseny Blinov's abstract art (24Bit) Скачайте торрент-файл заново. |
27.10.2018 Обновление!
Добавлены iamthemorning 2018 Ocean Sounds (24Bit) poloniumcubes 2018 four (24Bit) Gleb Kolyadin 2018 Gleb Kolyadin Скачайте торрент-файл заново. |
28.07.2019 Обновление!
Добавлен poloniumcubes 2019 five (24Bit) Скачайте торрент-файл заново. |
03.08.2019 Обновление!
Добавлен iamthemorning 2019 The Bell Скачайте торрент-файл заново. |
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