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![]() ![]() ![]() The mystical and atmospheric music of Sequentia Legenda is composed by a combination of atmospheric pad and melodic lines of synthesizers, punctuated with the phrasing of sequencers. The musical journey carries you along in a cosmic musical vision. — Sequentia Legenda shares its own vision of the Berlin School with passion, sensitivity and sincerity. The sound worlds are an invitation to dream, an immersion, an introspection, a waking look beyond the horizon. It is a return to the sources, a vibratory energy for the listeners who wish to give themselves the time and freedom to enter into resonance.- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1. FLY OVER ME __ 33:23 2. THE APPROACH - Bonus-Track1 __ 21:44 3. VIBRATIONS - Bonus-Track2 __ 15:00 Total Time: 01:10:08 Released December 27, 2014 BLUE DREAM is all about nostalgia and mystery. Atmospheric music worthy of the great years of the “Berlin School Music”. The sequencers and synthesizers are thus in perfect symbiosis for you to travel on a cosmic journey. ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 Finally! Nearly two months after the release of the E.P. Fly Over Me, Sequentia Legenda presents his very first album entitled BLUE DREAM. A wait which was worth it, friends and fans of an EM decorated with these repetitive loops of rhythms, because Sequentia Legenda surfs on the beginnings of his wonderful E.P. which gave me back this taste to plunge myself back into the unconditional charms of this kind of minimalist New Berlin School, such as proposed by Klaus Schulze with his timeless Mirage. And if we have adored this E.P. we are going to devour its crumbs. As for me, I have downright felt again under the so many charms of BLUE DREAM.
A long metallic whoosh sweeps the horizons, freeing particles of prism which sparkle in a rush of whoosh and of whiish among which synth lines and synth waves interweave their sibylline perfumes. The first bass pulsations are wriggling in the background, bickering with metallic jingles which clink in this mesmerizing fusion of those multiple aromatic lines of The Approach. Sequentia Legenda spreads gradually his minimalist structure. The rhythm skips and pounds with a light gap between its parallel lines, creating a fascinating troop of jumping keys which harmonize their cabrioles under the subtle gradations of synth lines, both in colors and tones. Very familiar with the essences of Fly Over Me, the structure of The Approach is however livelier and more fluid. This is the minimalist art in its most musical shape here. The electronic percussions, which always remain very present, redirect the swiftness and the shape of the rhythm a little after the 9th minute, producing the plans of a subtle crescendo. Their strikes and their rollings put in the background this rhythm embroidered around jerks of sequences, but also accentuate these pads of voices which, unified with other pads to the iridescent brilliances and other pads wrapped of cosmic mist, spread a delicious perfume of hypnosis. This is as much beautiful as Fly Over Me, even if quite similar. With a clear propensity for the approaches of those movements of crystal clear and minimalist sequences from Klaus Schulze in Mirage, it's just obvious that Sequentia Legenda would eventually by encroach with more accuracy in the paths of the great master. We remember these delicate arpeggios which rang at Crystal Lake's opening? We remember this second draft of Mirage in Big in Japan? The introduction of Vibrations plunges us right in the heart of these two universes. We could downright speak about plagiarism if the track didn't sneak between both variations of Fly Over Me and The Approach. The execution is the same, only the ambiences differ. Here the synth pads always caress so warmly this delicate electronic staccato which amplifies its measure with as much subtlety as delicacy, whilst electronic chirpings of the beautiful Schulze's analog years come to peck at our ears and to awake soft memories of a time that will always stay in the firmament of the unconditional charms of EM. The proof? This wonderful obsession which surrounds the Sequentia Legenda phenomenon who, with an approach so candid, manages to put between our ears a thing for which we would never have hoped. Three monuments of EM with variations on the same theme, BLUE DREAM is to the 2010's what Mirage was in the 80's. If several people are going to talk about plagiarism, me I see an audacious extension of the work from Schulze here, in the same way that Redshift, Node, Arc and so many other artists have doing it for the music of Tangerine Dream. It's obvious that these crystal-clear sequences which sparkle, skip and crisscross in order to unwind an ambitious minimalist pattern is an object of passion for all those who worship this musical genre. But beyond this similarity with the work of Klaus Schulze, Sequentia Legenda raises himself as in a very good architect of his structures by decorating them with thousand subtleties which invade ears with a merciless taste to start again after each listening. It's intrusive and subjugating. And, there is no harm done to indulge ourselves. So have fun, because this BLUE DREAM will obsess you relentlessly. This is more than good. And I'm pretty sure that it will be on the top of my list of the best albums of 2015. Sylvain Lupari (SynthSequences.com) ![]() 1. AMIRA Short Version __ 09:54 2. AMIRA Long Version __ 21:36 3. Somewhere __ 20:48 Total Time: 00:52:18 Released November 30, 2015 Somewhere amid music, time and love. The music of the heart is the essence of bliss. This piece bears a message of bliss and hope. It is Berlin School Electronic Music where emotion and sensitivity transport you towards a world of dreams. The choirs are backed by strings, the rhythm section is interspersed with double-bass and cello attacks, sequences blend with pizzicati, and all these together create an ethereal collage that shapes the musical space, where sounds are made of colours that persist somewhere amid music, time and love. Musically, Sequentia Legenda ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 "Somewhere in the midst of the music you discover time and love."
With these words "Amira" from SEQUENTIA LEGENDA greets us when we open the "Wüsten" digipak to take out the CD and embark on the electronic hovering flight through space and time and of course the sequencer and keyboard love. It is remarkable when a French musician, whose pure passion is electronic music, does not allow himself to be harnessed to another, very successful "electronics engineer", but instead becomes a very diligent and highly gifted student at the Berlin school. Instead of the rhythmic, sometimes pop electronics of a JEAN MICHEL JARRE, LAURENT SCHIEBER aka SEQUENTIA LEGENDA much prefers to devote himself to the solemn, hypnotic keyboard surfaces that can rise to bombastic electronic universes and how we like them from KLAUS SCHULZE, Listen to TANGERINE DREAM or ASHRA. And with "Amira" SEQUENTIA LEGENDA proves that he is a true student of KLAUS SCHULZE, whose album "Mirage" seems to be particularly hard on him. Of course, it's strange that "Amira" begins with a short version lasting almost ten minutes, which is then continued in a repeating twenty-minute version. Similar to many Schulze works, repetition is the keyword for “Amira”. Broad soundscapes, carried by the synths and sequencers, gradually unfold their entire beauty without really breaking out. The exception, however, is the last, three-part twenty-minute track “Somewhere” that begins with a similar breadth as the two pieces that give the album its name, but picks up significantly more pressure after about ten minutes, increases the tempo like a classic bolero, also through the Addition of more and more electronic effects, so that "Somewhere" in particular becomes the highlight of "Amira" for the critic of these lines. CONCLUSION: Staying with the album cover, "Amira" sounds like a gentle breeze blowing across the desert sand and building a few hills along the way. Electronic choirs, string passages and cellos ensure a broad, sometimes orchestral atmosphere. So you don't just remember the Schulze albums, but also the early TANGERINE DREAM albums "Zeit" and "Atem". For those who still haven't gotten bored with these hectic times, SEQUENTIA LEGENDA's "Amira" is just as glowing for electronic music-loving hearts as the sun glows over the desert of "Amira". Thoralf Koß - Editor-in-Chief (Musikreviews.de) ![]() 1. THE APPROACH [Extended Version] __ 28:29 2. INTO THE SEQUENCE __ 20:14 3. SOMEWHERE [Extended Version] __ 23:14 4. VIBRATIONS [Extended Version] __ 24:43 5. SOLITUDES LUNAIRES __ 24:46 6. AU REVOIR __ 21:57 Total Time: 02:23:24 Released September 20, 2016 «With this collaboration between Tommy and myself, we wanted to share our passion for Berlin School music with listeners and pay tribute to a musical movement that has still bright days ahead of it.» Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) Drums: Tommy Betzler ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 Yves Blanc (La Planète Bleue): «Most of the spacey music is made of three components : synth pads, sequencer loops and (sometimes annoying) solos. Sequentia Legenda is intelligent and sensitive enough to create his - strictly instrumental - music with the first two components only: the pads and the loops. In his spacey compositions, where light meets minimalism, and fitted to dream and meditation, there is no room for flashy solo, no room for protruding showing-off, instead the space is filled with highly sophisticated pads, perpetually changing and loops, themselves shaped in ever-changing patterns, sometimes highly complex, even if they often seem obvious.»—Philippe Vallin (Clair & Obscur): «Sequentia Legenda's music is both an immersive and emotional experience. The synthesist modulates sounds and rhythms the way a painter uses his palette of colors to fill out progressively a big blank canvas with a whole universe. The pictural tints of Sequentia Legenda are here electronic loops, sonic textures and ethereal pads that the musician keeps in harmony and brings out of the silence to transport us to the very depths of ourselves. Each of us will then wander in our own ever-changing cosmic landscape. This is a wonderful journey that brings new enjoyment with each listening.»
![]() 1. Stratums of Seraphic Voices __ 26:28 2. Around the Second Moon __ 22:45 3. Elevation __ 20:36 Total Time: 01:09:50 Released July 21, 2017 "This opus will be an immersive and emotional experience, a tribute to the legendary Moog modular. ETHEREAL is an album full of emotions, which are present through the sequences and the sonic texture. The Moog Modular brings a particular color to the sound palette of this new opus. I wanted to achieve a result in harmony with my vision of the Berlin school: an extension of this musical movement" Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 Review of Sylvain Lupari:
“A true lover of Klaus Schulze music, Sequentia Legenda goes beyond in his quest to reproduce the essence of retro Berlin School with this exquisite Ethereal. A must!” A splendid synth layer sculpted in ether spreads its wavering horizons and anchors "Stratums of Seraphic Voices" very solidly at the bottom of our eardrums. The percussions which follow adopt a charmingly hypnotic pace. A pace that several will recognize in the one that Klaus Schulze exposed in 77, with the Body Love album and the track Nowhere - Now Here, but in a clearly slower structure and a more morphic one. Built around 3 long tracks with slow minimalist evolutions, “Ethereal” is an album conceived in homage to the legendary Moog Modular and by ricochet to Klaus Schulze and his musical mirages. And digging for those delicious perfumes of the old days which rocked and flooded our ears for a too short period of time, Laurent Schieber signs here an album more than seducing which respects this will of Sequentia Legenda to recreate the atmospheres of retro Berlin School. In its minimalist envelope, holed of beautiful nuances which amplify the charms of the ethereal voices, "Stratums of Seraphic Voices" presents an intrusive structure with a pace which wins subtly in velocity and clearly more aggressive percussions. From its anesthetic shape, the music became more lively with a good game of the percussions and with cosmic effects from a synth which is more discreet at the level of the solos, there is none, but which is also more generous at the level of the textures of voices and layers filled of soft fragrances of ether. About 30 minutes on a minimalist morphic theme which ran out without any feeling of lassitude! There was only Klaus Schulze to make a success of such exploit. Laurent Schieber does as the master and this to perfection. "Around the Second Moon" is a superb title which shows that Sequentia Legenda doesn't feed his repertoire by imitating systematically Klaus Schulze. Always in a minimalist approach, the music skips slightly in a deliciously organic and stroboscopic form. This a little bit unusual rhythmic loop is fed of effects which squeak and which vacillate in mini circular structures and in immense anesthetic layers. The tempo is structured on tom-tom percussions among which the beatings, which never run out, go to the opposite sense of the perpetual loops which are still squeaking. The percussions inject a vibe of acid electronic rock at the gate of the 7th minute. These percussions pull the hypnotic rhythm of "Around the Second Moon" towards an even more explosive tangent after the 13th minute point. Between these phases, Sequentia Legenda decorates his music of various effects and of layers always so foggy. Besides, this last very puzzling phase and the movement of the sequences which squeak literally remind me in of the track The Who in Won't Get Fooled Again. A delight for those who like when that rocks! This wild movement loses of its swiftness towards the 17th minute by being swallowed and smothered by a seraphic choir. And beneath a dense nebulosity of those huge layers of voices, the sleeping beat seeks always to be reanimated. I found that as much good than beautiful and original. "Elevation" brings us back to the Moondawn period of Klaus Schulze with huge shoals of fog and of faded voices which enclose a structure which always gets vivificated beneath the embraces of sedative layers. There is storm below these layers. A storm arisen from the percussions of which the keen and heavy rollings are forced to the anonymity, so much the strength of the shoals injects continually an anesthetizing effect in a rhythmic which doesn't stop hammering its mute revolt. It's around at the 14th minute that "Elevation" gets loosens from the layers of mist and voices, drifting into a superb rhythmic debacle worthy of the great master of analog rhythms and sounds who is also at the origin of Sequentia Legenda's music. I am not certain, but I believe to hear the whistling of a synth roaming towards the finale. And it's the only slight drawback to this wonderful music of “Ethereal”; the lack of synth solos. As soon as Laurent Schieber will be less hampered and will be free of any constraints, his music will shine in the firmament of the big names of EM. But that doesn't change the fact to “Ethereal” is a great journey in the time of the analog. Offered on real CD in a nice Digipack as well as in a download format, “Ethereal” is a must to all fans of Klaus Schulze, era 76-77. Sylvain Lupari (August 10th, 2017) ![]() 1. Out of the Silence __ 21:55 2. Ici et Maintenant __ 25:40 3. Valentins Traum __ 17:24 Total Time: 01:04:59 Released May 16, 2018 RENAISSANCE: in the purest tradition of the analogue era a return to the sources of the Berlin School. This fifth opus consists of three sound universes (Out of the Silence, Ici et Maintenant and Valentins Traum). I wanted for the global atmosphere to approach the sound grain of the analog era by exploiting the capabilities of today's instruments. Get to the essentials, my musical vision of the Berlin School. “THREE TITLES, THREE LANGUAGES, THREE SOUND UNIVERSES TO EXPLORE” ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 Review of Sylvain Lupari:
"Renaissance is a great opus where the French synthesist proposes 3 long musical rivers with a grandiose sonic decor.[...] The French synthesist proposes here 3 long musical rivers with a grandiose sonic decor which goes beyond the boundaries of the conventional charms of the Berlin School EM style. The atmospheres are striking with the sound effects known of his repertoire and other very discreet effects of reverberations which constantly add emotional dimensions to evolutionary approaches that have totally surprised me as the subtleties in the structural changes arrive by good doses of emotions. It's the best album of Sequentia Legenda and sincerely I wonder how Laurent Schieber will come to surpass the dimensions of “Renaissance” one day… Sylvain Lupari (June 23rd, 2018) ![]() 1. THE RETURN __ 27:13 2. FLOATING TIME __ 21:12 3. MIND LAKE __ 23:48 Total Time: 01:12:13 Released March 2, 2019 ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 A THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR-OLD PROJECT
OVER THERE - 1984 The origin of this project goes back to 1984, when I was 19 years old. Back then, we were at the end of the analog era and the MIDI standard had been introduced. My parents enabled me to set up a home studio and I dreamed of making an album. I drew inspiration from my collection of analog instruments: modular Korg PS-3200, ARP Odyssey, Korg MS-20 and its SQ10 sequencer, duophonic Oberheim Two Voice, Crumar Multiman S, Roland RE 201 echo chamber and TEAC A3340S 4-track tape recorder. THE TIME HAS PASSED Meanwhile, music technology was ever evolving. I therefore eventually separated from my analog synthesizers for digital instruments, driven by Steinberg’s Pro-24 recording software. OVER THERE - 2019 And finally, thirty-five years later, I was lucky enough to be able to realize my dream. To do this, I used today’s instruments. The software synthesizers were carefully chosen to create an extended atmosphere of the classic Berlin School period from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. I hope you will enjoy listening to this album as much as I enjoyed composing it. ![]() 1. Solitudes Lunaires [Apollo 2019 version] __ 33:52 2. Solitudes Lunaires [Original EXTENDED] __ 24:46 3. Solitudes Lunaires [Xmas 2018 version] __ 26:38 Total Time: 01:25:16 Released July 20, 2019 Three variations of SOLITUDES LUNAIRES dedicated to Apollo's 50th anniversary Astronaut voices courtesy NASA “Suddenly, from behind the rim of the moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate, sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth … home.”– Edgar Mitchell ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Leonardo's Flight __ 29:06 2. Helix Pteron __ 15:46 3. Bonus: Grande Nibbio __ 10:48 Total Time: 00:55:41 Released September 20, 2019 "Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." Leonardo da Vinci ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 I closed my eyes. I immersed myself in the atmosphere of the time.
I then felt this incessant need for research, this haunting loneliness and also these few more festive moments. Stone, wood, high ceilings, long corridors, footsteps, spiral stairs. I then began to imagine the scientist in his workshop lit by candles and torches, where countless documents of all kinds were lit up. Notes, books, scattered over several long wooden tables, between scientific instruments and tin dishes. Papers, scrolls, they even had some on the ground. Little by little, the shades of my first sound painting seemed obvious, that of paying tribute to Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo's Flight represents this long quest, this haunting dream: the dream of flying. Yes, flying at any cost, merging with birds, touching the sky. This is the first painting on my album, it is the opening of this Renaissance universe, where mysticism, sumptuous lights and unshakeable hopes are mixed. Helix Pteron is the continuity of this first composition. It is an atmosphere where passion, mystery and drama rub shoulders. She depicts the scientist confronted with these moments of doubt, pain and nostalgia. Flying machines obscured the mind of the scholar. He was the only one who believed in it. The belief that theft is possible for man, an obvious fact for him. It is the music of a fight that the scientist will lead with fervour and strength. My pictorial universe ends with the bonus Great Nibbio. This superposition of sequential lines symbolizes the ascent, the ascending spiral, the flight towards the coveted celestial. It is an atmosphere filled with hope. The scientist managed to fly, a dream come true. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() 1. Circular Sequences __ 20:32 2. Deep Sequences __ 23:36 3. Reflective Sequences __ 21:36 Total Time: 01:05:45 Released December 25, 2019 ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 Five years of presence on the Berlin School stage. Exclusive edition for the fifth anniversary of Sequentia Legenda
On December 26, 2014, my music was brought to light with the first album BLUE DREAM. My dream had just come true: to share my own vision of the Berlin School with passion, sensitivity and authenticity. During these first five years of presence on the electronic music scene, the support and trust shown by the listeners, carried me throughout this musical adventure. "Sharing - yes, for me it is sharing of emotions, that means for me that in Berlin School it's really my heart that speaks, my soul that speaks. What I really want to transmit to the audience is: emotion, sensitivity. It's the Berlin School as such: pads, choirs, sequences." Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() 1. EXPERIMENTAL __ 29:48 2. FLOAT AMONG THE STARS __ 14:43 3. BEYOND FROM THE BEYOND __ 21:4 Total Time: 01:06:14 Released September 20, 2020 How High? So high that i can touch the sky! A little bit of dream, a musical escape, a sharing of emotions. Three titles in the purest tradition of the Berlin school. I wish you a pleasant sound immersion and thank you for your support, Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Three Astral Arches __ 23:25 2. Symphonic Dawn of the Stars __ 21:29 3. VOICES 55 (Revisited version) __ 20:07 Total Time: 01:05:02 released September 20, 2021 CELESTIAL – ENTRANCE INTO A NEW HORIZON I wish you a lot of enjoyment with CELESTIAL. May your entrance into this new sound horizon be a source of freedom. May your journey through the three musical atmospheres bring you dreams, softness and serenity. ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. ENTER INTO RESONANCE __ 29:22 2. INFINITE RESONANCE __ 22:50 3. HEAVENLY RESONANCE __ 17:48 Total Time: 01:10:00 Released May 1, 2022 ENTER INTO RESONANCE WITH YOUR INNER SYMPHONY My musical vision is now ascending towards even brighter energies, towards ever more spiritual vibrations. For this opus, I have used the frequency of 432 Hz – the frequency of nature and the universe – for a heart-to-heart sharing. I wish for you to enter into resonance with your inner symphony and enjoy this new musical experience fully and serenely. ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. THE RETURN (Long version) __ 49:00 2. AROUND THE SECOND MOON (Revisited version) __ 14:00 3. LUMINOSA VERITAS __ 18:26 4. ELEVATION (Revisited version) __ 24:29 5. AU REVOIR (0.75 speed version) __ 17:57 Total Time: 02:03:47 Released December 16, 2022 Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda): „It was vital to me that my compositions would become in unison with the warm and natural 432 Hz frequency. It streamlines my musical vision continuum as a heart to heart sharing. I add that I had the pleasure to beautifully collaborate with Nicolas Picciotto for the remixing and remastering of two previous tracks of mine. I wish you a pleasant listening in a journey of Beauty and Peace.“ – This double album is dedicated to my parents – ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. AROUND THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN __ 19:56 2. THE RING OF GOLDEN LIGHT __ 27:40 3. BON VOYAGE __ 20:45 4. LOVE FEEDS LOVE __ 03:34 Total Time: 01:11:56 Released May 11, 2023 ALCYONE is the expression of my Heart and my Soul, it is a sharing from Heart to Heart. I hope that this opus will nourish your dreams, your hopes and will allow you to travel and rise towards a celestial world bathed in a soft and radiant light. – LOVE FEEDS LOVE – ![]() ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. THE SONGS OF ORION __ 17:18 2. CRYSTAL OF LIGHT __ 23:12 3. RETURN TO MESHALEA __ 23:06 Total Time: 01:03:38 Released July 1, 2024 GALACTIC CRYSTALS it's a gateway to new dimensions, an invitation to travel where everyone is free to interpret my universe according to their own feelings and let their imaginations run wild. An opening of the heart, a musical sharing, a vibratory union, a subtle connection to open up to the intangible. ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. FLY OVER ME (Jubilee edition) __ 33:23 2. STELLAR ODYSSEY __ 18:02 3. EXTENDED INTUITION INTO THE UNKNOWN (Jubilee edition) __ 15:03 Total Time: 01:06:30 Released December 27, 2024 DECEM suggests an enchanting atmosphere, an immersive journey, a vibratory and cosmic harmony that invites you to a stellar dance. This musical odyssey invites you to dream, to follow your intuition, and to let yourself be carried away to fly above the stars. Let yourself be guided by the vibrations and set off on a journey to explore these three worlds of sound in complete freedom Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. VIBRATIONS - [Blood Moon Exclusive Version] __ 15:00 Released March 13, 2015 The atmosphere of this Bonus is in the spirit of BLUE DREAM, a cosmic musical journey, an atmospheric air, sounds from space. This is an invite to dream. The typical song of the Berlin School Music will be once again very present in this musical suite. ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. AU REVOIR by Sequentia Legenda exclusive version __ 14:27 Released June 27, 2015 ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 AU REVOIR is an introspection.
This piece is a part of me, they are the emotions I deliver. The musical scenery of this song is mystical (the unknown, the mystery…) and peaceful (the serenity, the celestial). The fundamentals come from FLY OVER ME and more precisely from the part “AU REVOIR”. It is an open door to meditation. AU REVOIR is a journey towards the beyond. It is a musical loop. A beginning, with a saturation effect (just like a birth…) an environment with its rhythms (like pulsations) and its celestial voices, and finally, an end with this same saturation (the start towards the beyond…). If we listen to this song over and over then we can feel that it is a song “without an end”. Just like a sinusoidal wave repeating itself endlessly, like the sunset and the sunrise, like the cycle of life. AU REVOIR is a musical vision. It is a musical choice: the one to not insert too many melodic lines and solos. I sometimes think that solos can be a little bit aggressive and/or a bit too much predominant, not giving enough space for the musical background. Solos sometimes tend to hide melodious subtleties, and to crush a fragile and delicate atmosphere. On the contrary, as it happens, my wish is to let the audience imagine their own solos, and above all propose the possibility to find the subtleties that are hidden in the musical framework. It is an opening towards imagination. Each listening, the discoveries multiply, encouraging to revisit my piece. That’s an auditory freedom. The song lives. AU REVOIR is a musical communion. Without entering a great debate to know whether this song is more “Schulzien” or “Froesien”, it was more important for me to say that AU REVOIR is a music, my music, my heart’s music in respects to a musical movement: the Berlin School Music. AU REVOIR is intended to be a musical communion, a union - a unison. AU REVOIR is a musical colour. The purple and the blue unite themselves to the rhythm of the music in a ballet of colours. The purple is the colour of the softness and the dream, of the peace and the meditation. The blue as for it is connected to wisdom and serenity. The blue is the echo of the life, of the journey, the colour of time. AU REVOIR is a musical colour, a journey towards the endless, a rendezvous towards the eternal. AU REVOIR is a musical thought. Through this song, I also express a thought to all people who were close to me and who left my side. AU REVOIR is a musical thought, in tribute to Edgar Froese. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() 1. Out of the Silence - Exclusive version __ 09:09 Released April 18, 2017 I am pleased to give you the opportunity to listen to the current version of the track. You may find that several listens are necessary to get all the diversity and the subtleties of it. I wanted the atmosphere to be mystical without being too overwhelming, where a smooth development would allow unveiling of all the different sides of Out of the Silence throughout the nine minutes of the piece. The pads are made of minimalist chords. These are backed first by a modular Moog providing a sequential base with three sonic layers, then by the introduction of slowly progressing percussive elements. Transpositions are made with +3 and +5 half-tones in the closing section. The three choir layers complement each other, while at the same time staying in the background in the overall atmosphere. Here is in a few lines my process of the development of Out of the Silence. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Out of the Silence - Collaboration version __ 09:09 Released November 4, 2017 A title by Sequentia Legenda with the collaboration of Kurtz Mindfields. An alliance between today's VST's and yesterday's analog synthesizers. A music in the purest tradition of Berlin School. ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. THE RETURN experimental version __ 10:40 Released December 23, 2017 Here is an experimental version, a collector's version. I found in my archives this version dating from the creation of BLUE DREAM. It is not excluded that the elaboration of this extract is not going to continue. The evolutionary sequences, the atmospheric pads are here in their development phases. The sound of this extract is oriented towards the warm grain of the analogical era. I leave you to take full advantage of this sound rough draft and wish you a beautiful immersion. THE RETURN: a return to the sources of the Berlin School music. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. MIND LAKE [experimental version] __ 19:48 Released April 1, 2018 An experimental version, a collector's version. This extract is still in its experimental version, it is a foretaste, a perspective of my musical vision for 2019. The work remains focused on the symbiosis of the sequences with the pads. It is a sound palette close to the analog era, with the touch of current instruments. The sound landscape of this title is for me the closest to my musical ambition, to my vision of the Berlin School of today and tomorrow. MIND LAKE: a floating Berlin School music. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. SOLITUDES LUNAIRES [XMas 2018 Version] __ 26:38 released December 24, 2018 The title SOLITUDES LUNAIRES has been revisited and remastered especially for this occasion. The Mellotron choirs have been added. The Minimoog is present for the final. A cymbal came to support the rhythmic impulses of the oscillators in self-oscillation. The duration is slightly longer than the original version of the double album "EXTENDED". Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Valentins Traum Exclusive Version __ 19:50 Released February 21, 2020 Valentins Traum Exclusive Version - A free composition in homage to my son Valentin, who has autism. Because I am happy to see my son again tonight, because Valentine's Day is not so far away, because I want to share with you all the happiness I have to live with my two sons, despite the adversity of a programmed life ordeal. This is my message of Love and Hope that I am distilling musically. Enjoy this musical and emotional sharing. This track is free, I specify it, nevertheless if one or the other wishes to pay money then I commit myself to give the whole amount to a foundation for autism. Thank you in advance for him, for all those affected by the handicap. From a technical point of view, this track from the album RENAISSANCE, has been revisited for this occasion. The duration is sensibly longer than the original, with the addition of choirs from the Mellotron and with a special finale. Some frequencies of the modular Moog sequencer have been reworked. A subtle reverb has been added to the percussion. The whole composition has been remixed and remastered. I wish you a beautiful sound immersion in Valentin's dream. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. CIRCUMNAVIGATION [Study Version] __ 15:40 Released April 25, 2020 Here is a study version, a collector's version, a sign of Hope and Love in this period of confinement. This track will be the basis for a collaborative title with Hélène Vogelsinger. This composition is a current representation of my vision of the Berlin School, my language, my sensitivity. For me, music, even more so in these difficult times, gives me freedom and joy. And it is precisely this feeling of fullness that I wish to offer my listeners. Long live music, which for me is a vector of Hope and Love! Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. VOICES 55 [EXCLUSIVE Version] __ 11:55 Released November 26, 2020 Dear listeners, I am delighted to be able to share this moment of sharing with you on the occasion of my birthday. With, it is extracted: VOICES 55, I am happy to present you my musical perspective for 2021. I have never been so close to what I could have imagined one day being able to achieve, I am proud and happy. My dream has been gradually coming true since the beginning of my musical adventure. In these complicated times, we all need freedom and music. My music is the language of my heart, of my soul. For me, music will always remain a vector of Hope and Love. I thank God for granting me the gift of being an Artist. I am delighted to be able to offer you a part of a dream, an introspection. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Deep Sequences [Grenzwellen Version] __ 25:00 Released January 3, 2021 Dear listeners, It was a pleasure to take part in the Grenzwellen 8 compilation. I can invite you to go to the page Grenzwellen Acht to see all the musicians who took part in this beautiful project of Ecki Stieg. The composition was reworked with a slightly longer duration than the original. Note the integration of an additional sequence and also effects of the mythical EMS Synthi A. The intro and finale have been reworked. The mix has also been reworked by adding some reverb and delay and adjusting the spatiality. The mastering is slightly different from the original version. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Five Minutes Around the Second Moon __ 05:00 Released January 17, 2021 This sound universe is a compendium of Berlin School, an immersive and emotional experience. It is a tribute to the Modular Moog. The title in its long version appears on my album ETHEREAL. Long live Music, Long live the Berlin School! Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Around the Second Moon by Sequentia Legenda - Floating Days Edition __ 12:30 Released May 27, 2021 Around the Second Moon by Sequentia Legenda - Floating Days Edition a Compilation dedicated to Klaus Schulze My track is included on the double CD "FLOATING DAYS". Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda): "1980 a real crush. At the age of 15, I discovered music from elsewhere with the timeless album "Mirage" which was a real revelation and my musical trigger. I would define my title as a Berlin School concentrate. In the original version I am fortunate to be able to benefit from the collaboration of Tommy Betzler. I am delighted today to be able to live my dream, to share my own musical vision with sensitivity and sincerity." I wish you a pleasant sound immersion, a good musical and cosmic journey. ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. THE RETURN (Long Version) __ 47:59 Released July 1, 2021 This version differs from the original not only by its length, but also by many subtle changes in the reorchestration. Some sequences have been reworked, especially the filters. A new instrument, and not the least important one, has been used for this version, since it is the emblematic Korg modular: the PS-3300 in its emulated version. A melodic line has been inserted supported by a long reverb and a subtle stereophonic echo. The role of the ARP Odyssey has been revised. For this occasion, a new sequence appearing at minute 18:35 has been specially created with the Minimoog, as well as a second, deeper loop that joins and reinforces the first. The rhythmic part has been totally revisited. The track has also been remastered. THE RETURN takes on a whole new dimension, it's the longest track in my entire discography. This composition is dedicated to Till Kopper Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. HEAVENLY RESONANCE (Happy Birthday Version) __ 05:34 Released November 27, 2021 Dear listeners On the occasion of my 56th birthday, I have the pleasure to offer you the introduction of the third track of my next album RESONANCES planned for 2022. Please consider this excerpt as a gift, a novelty, a sharing. It is a work in progress. HEAVENLY RESONANCE will accompany two other compositions: ENTER IN RESONANCE and INFINITE RESONANCE. I hope you will enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Luminosa Veritas [Xmas 2021 Version] __ 16:08 Released December 24, 2021 Dear listeners, I am happy to be able to share with you my composition Luminosa Veritas, free version for the occasion of Christmas. It is my sharing, my support, my sign of Hope, of Love dedicated to the beings of light and lightworkers, my way of working for the Light. We all have the Power to Exist, to live Free and Humanity has a prodigious future ahead of it, we just have to believe and want it. Music allows me to recharge my batteries, to stay grounded, to communicate and to share the magical power of sound and frequencies with kindness. This is one of my missions: offering a musical vision carrying Hope and Love, a language that comes from the Heart, a universe of Escape and Freedom. This title is an invitation, an immersion, an introspection, an awakened look beyond the horizon. It is a return to the roots, a vibratory energy for those who wish to resonate with the Luminous Truth. To conclude, I would like to highlight the use of the 432 Hz frequency which is a connection with the heart energy, more in tune with our soul. This is a first for me, I hope that this experience will bring you serenity. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. ELEVATION [Portal Version 2022] __ 22:00 Released April 1, 2022 Dear listeners, I am pleased to share with you this special version of ELEVATION. The composition has been reworked especially for this year 2022, for the energy portals, thanks in particular to the use of the frequency of 432 Hz – the frequency of the heart, of nature. This musical universe has for desire among others to accompany you in serenity in your immersive journeys, with frequencies, vibrations, which is in harmony, in agreement with nature and the cosmos. I wish you a pleasant immersion in sound, a beautiful initiatory journey, fullness and total freedom. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. ANNO 1880 - Variations on the finale of ELEVATION __ 36:42 Released November 28, 2022 Dear listeners I had the idea to work on the finale of ELEVATION. In the meantime, my Mum has just recently left us in Peace for a heavenly world. I owe a lot to my Mum, especially my passion for music. And then on November 27, I had my birthday and I wanted, despite the pain and sorrow, to offer and share these variations. Finally, these variations are dedicated to you, dear listeners, and to my Mum. I wish you all a gentle spiritual and musical upliftment so that you can ascend to luminous and peaceful universes. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Departure for a Celestial Voyage __ 13:38 Released November 3, 2023 Departure for a Celestial Voyage is a tribute to my Mother, Who passed away on the 4th of November 2022 for a Universe of Light and Peace. I've felt Her ever since She left. 8 days before this commemorative date, I perceived the following Request from Her Spirit: "Don't you want to compose a song for me?" Spontaneously, I came up with the idea of doing an extraction from the finale of "CRYSTAL OF LIGHT", i.e. the second track from my next album. As I was working on the final part of this composition, a rather astonishing technical and musical glitch occurred that I quickly associated with a new piece of Guidance. Some elements of the latter will be manifested within the version retained for the "GALACTIC CRYSTALS" album due in 2024 as well as others which have been reworked or added especially for this version. Subjectively, the most important value within my music is not what you may hear when you listen to it, but what you perceive manifesting within your heart. Moreover, if one listens attentively, one can discern in the second half of this composition a subtle sound akin to the heart beating. Departure for a Celestial Voyage: this is a direct link to a World imbued with Spirituality, a gateway to a Celestial World. I wish you All the most pleasant Voyage Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Extended Intuition Into the Unknown __ 10:54 Released December 25, 2023 Once again, I felt the pleasure of a musical and emotional Guidance that allowed me to bring this composition to light. It's like an inner movement, an invisible force that propels me out of time, that pushes me to let my Heart, my Soul, express itself, with this need to reach a universe of Truth, Freedom and Dreams. With Extended Intuition Into the Unknown, I invite you to let yourself go towards an inspiring elsewhere, to float in an invisible Universe, to cross an interdimensional door to connect with your inner self. As a little anecdote, I had two variations for the illustration, so I asked my young autistic son for his preference, and Valentin simply replied "this one, because there's more love". I wish you a pleasant musical journey. Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() 1. Echo of Vibrations __ 11:51 Released August 4, 2024 Echo of vibrations my humble tribute to Klaus Schulze's birthday. The echo of the vibrations mingles with the beating of our hearts, illuminating our souls, creating a mystical symphony that transcends time and space. In the silent ether, the notes fly away, leaving behind them an eternal imprint. Ultimately, the echo of Klaus Schulze's vibrations still resonates today, captivating us and transporting us to infinite horizons Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) ![]() foobar2000 1.5.5 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 ![]() Для того, чтобы скачать .torrent Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться |
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26.12.2023 Обновление!!!
Добавлены: 2023 - Departure for a Celestial Voyage 2023 - Extended Intuition Into the Unknown Просьба скачать торрент-файл заново. |
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08.07.2024 Обновление!!!
Добавлен: 2024 - GALACTIC CRYSTALS Просьба скачать торрент-файл заново. |
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04.01.2025 Обновление!!!
Добавлены: 2024 - Echo of Vibrations (Single) 2024 - DECEM Просьба скачать торрент-файл заново. |
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