AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - at: 22. 02. 2010. - 23:44.585 files found1 -===- D:\Distribution Torrents\SeaMoon - A Twisted Downbeat Adventure - 2010 - FLAC\01 - SeaMoon - Outbackfrogz.flacExtracted successfullyConclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%Tempfile successfully deleted.2 -===- D:\Distribution Torrents\SeaMoon - A Twisted Downbeat Adventure - 2010 - FLAC\02 - SeaMoon - Purple Juice.flacExtracted successfullyConclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%Tempfile successfully deleted.3 -===- D:\Distribution Torrents\SeaMoon - A Twisted Downbeat Adventure - 2010 - FLAC\03 - SeaMoon - Tricky Transients.flacExtracted successfullyConclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%Tempfile successfully deleted.4 -===- D:\Distribution Torrents\SeaMoon - A Twisted Downbeat Adventure - 2010 - FLAC\04 - SeaMoon - Pink Elephants.flacExtracted successfullyConclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%Tempfile successfully deleted.5 -===- D:\Distribution Torrents\SeaMoon - A Twisted Downbeat Adventure - 2010 - FLAC\05 - SeaMoon - Chill Spice.flacExtracted successfullyConclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%Tempfile successfully deleted.Finished at: 22. 02. 2010. - 23:49.19 (operation time: 0:04.20)